Why Self-Talk Matters
You know that voice in your head? That’s you talking to yourself! Self-talk is that internal dialogue we have with ourselves and it plays a pivotal role in shaping our mindset.
When we repeatedly tell ourselves certain things, no matter good or bad, we reinforce those beliefs. For example, if you consistently say, “I’m not good enough,” you’ll start to believe it, and it will affect your mindset and behaviour. Often these limiting beliefs stem from something someone else told us which sprouted roots and grew.
Self-talk influences our cognitive biases. In other words, we are likely going to look for evidence that supports our self-talk. If we believe we’re unlucky, we’ll notice instances that confirm this and ignore the positive ones. When you search hard enough for something, you’ll find it.
What you tell yourself impacts your feelings and emotions. Negative self-talk triggers stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. Positive self-talk can calm us and boost our confidence.
The way we phrase our self-talk affects our likelihood of achieving our goals. If you’re telling yourself that you’ll never succeed you’re less likely to take action. But you become more goal-oriented if you tell yourself that you can learn, grow, and succeed.
Have you noticed that the things you say with conviction often become your truth? Our self-talk often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you’ll fail, you might unconsciously sabotage your own efforts. Say it out loud, with conviction as if you know the end result for a fact!
What Is Mindset?
Mindset refers to an established set of attitudes, beliefs, and values that shape how we perceive the world, ourselves, and our abilities. It influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in various situations. In essence, our mindset acts as a lens through which we view experiences and make decisions.
If there were only one mindset we all lived in, I would not be having this conversation. To complicate life further than it already is, there are different kinds of mindsets:
The Fixed Mindset: If you have a fixed mindset, you believe your abilities are innate and unchangeable. You may think that talent and intelligence alone lead to success, and effort is unnecessary, or useless. This mindset can limit growth and resilience. After all, if you don’t have talent why even bother trying?
The Growth Mindset: On the flip side, a growth mindset recognizes that talents and abilities can be developed over time through effort, learning, and persistence. People with a growth mindset embrace challenges, view setbacks as opportunities for growth, and believe in their capacity to improve. They try, and they bring all their effort to the party.
Negative Mindset and Limiting Beliefs
We all have that Negative Nelly (hopefully only one) in our lives that has the ability to dull all our enthusiasm. Typically, these negative minds are characterized by pessimism, self-doubt, and a focus on limitations. They also commonly take on the guise of your mother-in-law (just kidding). A negative mindset can hinder progress in several ways:
Self-Sabotage: Negative thoughts lead to self-sabotaging behaviours. When you believe you can’t succeed, you’re less likely to take action or persevere. Didn’t Henry Ford say that if you say you can, or say you can’t – you are always right?
Fear of Failure: This ties in with what I mentioned above. Saying you can’t magnifies the fear of failure. Instead of seeing failure as a stepping stone, you perceive it as a dead end. This was true for me for many years.
Fixed Beliefs: Limiting beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never achieve my goals” only serve to reinforce inaction. These beliefs can become like self-fulfilling prophecies.
In short, a negative mindset typically leads to inaction. If you’re not moving, you’re not going places.
Shifting to a Positive, Creative Mindset
By now you have likely reached the conclusion that a negative mindset will get you nowhere in terms of reaching your goals. But how do you make the shift from Negative Nelly to Positive Peter?
Become aware: Recognize negative thoughts and limiting beliefs when they arise. That way, you can catch them before they take root and send them packing! Awareness is the first step toward change.
Challenge Your Thoughts: Question the validity of those negative beliefs. Are they based on evidence or assumptions? Replace them with more empowering thoughts that will boost your confidence. At first, it may feel like you’re lying to yourself, but you are planting a seed. Trust me, if you nurture it, it will grow.
Practice Gratitude: This is life-changing! If you don’t believe me, take a moment each day to write down a few things that you are grateful for – think out of the box – you can breathe without effort, can’t you?! Regularly acknowledge and appreciate what’s going right, instead of focusing on what’s going wrong. Gratitude shifts your focus from scarcity to abundance.
Embrace Failure: View setbacks as opportunities for growth. Learn from them and do it differently next time. Remember that successful people fail more often than other people even try!
Treat yourself kindly: Confidence grows through the process of accomplishment – don’t forget to celebrate your victories, no matter how small!
Shift Your Attention: Intentionally redirect your mind away from negative thoughts. Engage in activities that break the cycle, like exercise or mindfulness practices. Be mindful of the content you’re consuming!
How a Positive Mindset Helps Achieve Goals
Motivation: A positive mindset fuels motivation. When you believe in your ability to learn and adapt, you’re more likely to pursue your goals persistently. You’ll see possibilities where previously you saw failure.
Resilience: Positive thinkers bounce back from setbacks. They see challenges as learning curves rather than roadblocks. It’s all part of the adventure called life!
Creativity: A positive mindset encourages creative problem-solving. You’re open to new ideas and approaches, and suddenly opportunities seem to appear from nowhere.
Opportunities: By focusing on possibilities, you attract opportunities. Positive energy draws positive experiences. What you put out; you attract.
You Are The Hero!
No one is perfect. No one has all the answers. No one has a history without a single failure. But we all have a story. Turn the page and remember that you’re the one holding the pen and writing the story. Will you be the victim, or will you be the hero of your story?
Just think how awesome it is that the same Creator who created the mountains, oceans and sunsets thought that the world needed one of you too. If He thought you’re worth the effort then you better believe it!
Remember, changing your mindset is a gradual process, but it’s worth the effort. Challenge your beliefs, speak to yourself as you would speak to the person you love the MOST, and watch how it transforms your journey toward achieving your goals! 🌟
Embrace Balance, Embrace Health
Are you in the prime of your life but feeling overwhelmed by stress? Do restless nights leave you longing for deep, rejuvenating sleep? It is time to rediscover your best self with our holistic approach to health and nutrition.
As a dedicated Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach, I specialize in transforming the lives of those in their golden years. My passion lies in guiding you through the intricacies of sleep optimization, stress reduction, and efficient recovery.
Sleep: Dive into a sea of tranquillity with personalized sleep strategies that promise to leave you refreshed and revitalized each morning.
Stress: Learn to navigate life’s pressures with grace. My coaching will equip you with tools to turn stress into strength.
Recovery: Recovery is not just physical—it is a state of mind. Together, we will craft a recovery plan that harmonizes body and soul.
Join me on a journey to wellness. Because you deserve to feel extraordinary every day.
E-mail mycoach@levelupnutrition.co.za to book a consultation and take the first step towards a balanced life.
Esté Bell, Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach
Esté Bell is a holistic health and nutrition coach with a specific interest in sleep, stress and recovery management. As a teenager she developed disordered eating habits, followed by a diagnosis with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome a couple of years later. The resulting health and weight management issues led to a passion for holistic nutrition and the desire to help others transform their health. It was during her marriage to an emotional-abusive alcoholic that she personally experienced the importance of sleep, and stress and recovery management. She is the CEO of LevelUp Nutrition, based in South Africa, and has dedicated her life to encourage, equip and empower her clients to make change happen.